These are in pdf format and can be used as a framework for your own teaching projects, as you make disciples.
Just click on any of the links below.
"Renewing The Mind"
Are you interested in "Free Energy"?
Have you ever wanted to become a Christian - but didn't know where to start? OR you thought you were a Christian - BUT something is missing!
How to be Born Again
Binding and Loosing
Believing is Seeing
Identity Theft
How do we get to be Righteous? What does the bible say? teaching on "Righteousness" -Click here!
Jesus Fulfilled the Law
Renewing The Mind
Scripture tells us to renew our minds. What is that all about and how do we do it? -Click here!
The Great Commission
Jesus recruited twelve disciples - men who were willing to follow Him and learn from Him - He then spent three years teaching them about the Kingdom of God by healing and delivering people from the works of the devil - He set the captives free. He did it by relying on the power of the Holy Spirit, the third person of God. He then allowed Himself to be flogged and crucified in order that He himself became a substitute sacrifice paying for our sin and taking upon Himself our diseases and infirmities(1 Peter 2:24).
He died but rose again and appeared to the disciples. He made an announcement that He had to depart and go to the Father in order that He could send the Holy Spirit (John 16:7).
To those of us who accept His substitute sacrifice and receive Him as saviour Jesus sends His Spirit to live in us by making us spiritually alive.
Now we are the ones who are commissioned to demonstrate the Kingdom of God by setting the captives free (Matthew 28:19 and 20).
And as we go in obedience He works through us confirming His word with signs and wonders(Hebrews 2:4) .
Now we have have His delegated authority, in His name, to heal the sick by the laying on of hands and to give people the "good news" of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Isn't it incredible that He has chosen to work through us to reveal and demonstrate His plan for the redemption of mankind, What a privilege!