
Christian teaching and practical help for those in need

Sprozzy Talks Godstuff

You are welcome to view the transcripts of the teachings.

These are in pdf format and can be used as a framework for your own teaching projects, as you make disciples.

Just click on any of the links below.

"Born Again"


"Binding and Loosing"

"Believing is Seeing"

"Identity Theft"



"Jesus Fulfilled the Law"

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About Us
A little background.


I go by the nickname of SPROZZY.

I was born during the second world war in North Wales, United Kingdom.

I was brought up in a christian family. My mother was the sunday school teacher in our small village.

At age fourteen I was confirmed as a member of the Church of Wales, an Anglican institution.

By the age of twenty I had serious doubts about the christian religion and I turned away.

For the next twenty years I did all the worldly stuff and had a couple of divorces.

Then one day a friend invited me to a Full Gospel Businessman Fellowship International meeting.

I was blown away and got dramatically saved and my whole world changed.

The bible, which had previously been a contradiction of invalid ideas suddenly became alive and I had understanding.

I began a long journey to find a church where they did the stuff like it describes in the book.

They all believed different things and I concluded that they can't all be right and they can't all be wrong. So I went to many conferences searching for truth and got thoroughly involved in church life, including church planting.

I became aware that the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ needs explaning to a new born believer in a way that can be easily digested.

That was forty years ago and this teaching is an attempt to fill that gap.





See our complete Playlist on Bitchute - Click here!

Or see a part Playlist on YouTube - Click here!



 Thought for the day

Are you confident that you have a living relationship with your creator or are you just going through the motions trapped in a dead religion?

The answer to that question will determine whether you come into the presence of God for eternity when you depart this life or whether you are excluded.

If you are not sure, then you need to discover the truth. It is the most important question you will be faced with in all your life.

This site will help you to learn the truth.